How We Operate
Each year we aim to put on a 40 mile walk to raise funds for a charity or good cause. The walk is held in June, close to the longest day and sets off at 4 am. Anyone interested in taking on the challenge will make application to walk and payment through the website before 31st May. The organisers will provide route descriptions and maps in a range of formats for walkers to make themselves familiar with the route. There will also be led training walks provided.
The walk will have six checkpoints. These will offer food, drinks and first aid and also give an opportunity to check that all walkers are accounted for. On the eve of the walk, walkers will be able to put any items, socks, clothing etc on the vans which will be taking the support equipment to the checkpoints so that they can collect them where appropriate. The following morning, walkers will gather at the Royal Oak, Whitwell (at the time specified in their instructions) to check in, receive a walker number and either set off from there or be taken by bus to the starting point.
After the walk walkers and support team members will be able, should they wish, to nominate a good cause/charity to be beneficiaries of the following years walk. Nominations should be made by July 31st. An evening will be held to elect the beneficiaries, with all walkers and support team members entitled to a vote.
An evening will also be held to celebrate the achievement of the walkers, the efforts of the support teams and to present a cheque to the current year’s beneficiaries.
Early in the new year an AGM will be held and so we go again…